Traffic Surveys

Traffic Survey

  • Classified Traffic Volume Counts (TVC) - Manual & Video graphical
  • Automatic Traffic Counter & Classifiers (ATCC)
  • Origin Destination survey
  • Turning Movement Count Survey
  • Speed & Delay Survey
  • Willingness to pay
  • Socio-Economic surveys (House – Hold Interviews)
  • Pedestrian Crossing Count Survey
  • Occupancy Survey
  • IPT Survey
  • Signal Timing and Queue length survey for the junction improvements
  • Stated Preference Surveys (WTP)
  • Parking Survey – On and Off street

Traffic Analysis and Reports

  • Identification of homogenous section of the project corridor
  • Calculation of Average daily traffic (ADT),Seasonal correction factor and Annual average daily traffic(AADT)
  • Calculation of Peak hour and directional distribution of traffic
  • Traffic zoning internal and external
  • OD Matrices for Passenger and Goods vehicles
  • Trip length frequency distribution of Passenger and Goods vehicles
  • Purpose and commodity wise distribution for passenger and goods vehicles respectively
  • Growth trend in Goods and Passenger vehicles
  • Economic parameters viz.GDP, NSDP, GSDP, PCI and Population
  • Calculation of Growth Rate from the above economic parameters w.r.t Registered vehicles
  • To obtain three growth rate scenario viz. Realistic, Optimistic and Pessimistic
  • To obtain capacity and design service volume